All members agree to abide by the following guidelines, developed for the safety and enjoyment of all who utilize our facility:


  1. Hours: The Center is generally open from “dawn to dusk.”
    Boats must be returned to the dock a half-hour before sunset.
    Occasionally, an event will precede individual access to the Center and/or boats.
  1. Gate and code: If a member is the last to leave, they must lock the gate behind them.  The combination to the gate is provided to members and is periodically updated.  Members should not give the code to non-members.
  1. Lifejackets:

      • Life jackets must be worn by everyone on KWCSC boats or watercrafts at all times.
      • Youth engaged in educational programming must wear life jackets while on all KWCSC docks and vessels.
      • Contact to view the full KWCSC PFD Policy.
  1. Civility: Issues between members are expected to be resolved by the individuals involved.  Members are expected to create and assure a favorable image of the Center within the community.  Loud, provocative or inappropriate language – written or verbal – or aggressive behavior is not acceptable on the Center’s property and may result in dismissal.  Excess alcohol or illegal drug consumption may be grounds for expulsion. 
  1. Volunteering: Every member is requested to find ways to help with Center grounds/facility, boats, and activities.  We are a volunteer-led organization and need member support to succeed. Contact to volunteer.
  1. Boat Usage: 
    • Members must be “checked out” by a designated Center representative before using a boat. 
    • Boats must be signed out at the Pavilion at the time of use, and signed back in upon returning.
    • Boats are allotted on a first come, first served basis – unless reserved for classes or events.
    • Center boats may not be sailed beyond the Seaplane Basin except for Center-sponsored events or with the permission of the designated Center representative.
    • Upon return, the boat must be properly docked with lines secured and derigged with sails stored properly.  If there are any problems with the boat, they should be written in the logbook so repairs can take place.
    •  Any damages to Center boats as a result of broken rules or user error will be the financial responsibility of the party at fault.
  1. Weather/Wind: Boats can only be taken out when maximum wind gusts are less than 20 knots.  To check the wind speed, go to the website, which will be used for determinations.
  1. Youth: Children under age 16 are not to be on the Center’s property without adult supervision.  Children under eight (8) must wear lifejackets except in the pavilion and must be under the constant supervision of an adult.