KWCSC Limit of Liability

Liability Waiver

In consideration for Key West Community Sailing Center Inc, hereinafter KWCSC, extending to me and my family members the privilege of being a member, I fully assume all risk and waive all liability, without limitation and to the extent permitted by law, in connection with my participation in any program or activity, including, but not limited to, sailing, kayaking, paddle boarding, swimming, motor boating and or any activity whatsoever that I participate in through and or by the KWCSC.

I, my heirs, family, representatives, executors, or administrators and or my undersigned parent or guardian hereby remise, release, indemnify, acquit and hold harmless and forever discharge KWCSC, the City of Key West, including both of their directors, employees, agents, instructors, including volunteers, rescue and support personnel, from any and all liabilities, obligations, damages, claims, causes of action, judgments, costs, and charges that I or my heirs and family, successors and or guardians may have or that may be incurred by me by any occurrence during my participation therein, whether resulting from acts or omissions of any persons, from the operation or condition of facilities or premises or vessels, or from acts of god or nature. Moreover, nothing herein shall constitute a waiver by the City of Key West of its sovereign immunity and the limitations set forth in Section 768.28 Florida Statutes.

I hereby agree to comply with all rules and regulations of the KWCSC and hereby give my consent for the uncompensated use of my name and or my picture in any media account, water sports program(s), or any other public relations media for the KWCSC or City of Key West. I also agree to assume liability for any and all damages to property, vessels and equipment, belonging to KWCSC and/or the City of Key West, which is damaged by me, my family or my guests or by any vessel under my control, while participating in any KWCSC activity.

ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I acknowledge sailing is a participation sport. I know the risks and dangers to myself, family and/or the KWCSC property, both from known and unknown anticipated risks, while in, upon or utilizing the equipment and facilities of the KWCSC, or while participating in or assisting in any event connected therewith. I hereby assume any and all risk of loss, damage or injury (including death) to myself, family and/or KWCSC property from any cause whatsoever, regardless of whether such loss, damage or injury results from the negligent or deliberate act of another person, volunteer or member.


I completely understand that it is my sole responsibility to check the sea worthiness of the vessel, the weather conditions, and I alone, am the sole person who decides if I am capable of using any vessel in the current and forecast conditions. I agree not to use any vessel, or part of the facility, or equipment that has been designated as unsafe. I agree to be bound by the current General Policies and Procedures, and current Bylaws of the Key West Community Sailing Center which can acquired upon request. Contact to receive a copy of these documents.

This includes our Govern Yourself policy of showing normal courtesy and respect in dealing with other members. Since KWCSC is a non-profit organization, all members are encouraged to volunteer their time to maintain our facilities and equipment.

For members under 18:
I hereby affirm that the child(s) included in this Youth and/or Family Membership have permission to participate in KWCSC water sports activities, and I assume all responsibility and liabilities on their behalf as their legal guardian.